


Credit: 0.0 pass/fail


Spend less time on homework! Increase your standardized test scores! (PSAT, SAT, AP are going digital.) Learning or improving touch typing skills will help you be more efficient when typing papers and taking online exams. (You will still need to study of course.)

Starting with the home row, users will learn proper typing techniques, which fingers type which keys, and develop muscle memory through drills and on-screen games. After learning the keyboard, users practice using authentic passages to further develop speed and accuracy without looking at the keyboard. Both new and experienced users will benefit. Recommended 10-20 minutes daily for best results. Students using a tablet should also have a keyboard accessory. 

This course uses 3rd-party software and does not have a dedicated teacher. Access to the course will be through BGO’s Learning Management System and overseen by an advisor for questions, technical issues, course overview and programming. Students have access until approximately May 2024 (date to be confirmed) and may be extended for another year for a small fee.  

Complete the Student Information form for EACH student you are enrolling regardless of prior or current BGO courses.  (link